Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tips For Cold-Weather Motorcycling

1. Consider riding after daylight savings time ends

Many motorcyclists decide to store their vehicles for the winter, once daylight savings time ends. Exposing themselves to the frigid temperatures and precipitation of winter seems too much of a hassle. However, with the right gear and information, you can equip yourself for cold-weather riding.

2. A warm body is your destination

Your chief goal for cold-weather riding should be to maintain a warm body. In particular, you want to avoid experiencing hypothermia. Hypothermia is a condition in which your body's temperature drops below the minimum point required to function properly. Shivering is one of the first symptoms of hypothermia. When you experience it, some useful remedies include drinking a cup of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc., or getting indoors.

3. Handle wet clothing properly

When motorcycling, it is common for either the elements or precipitation to dampen you clothing. However, never let them dampen your spirits. You can take certain steps to fight the war against dampness. The first plan of action should be to change your wet gear as soon as possible. Wet gear will become virtually useless against the relentlessness of icy-cold temperatures.

Secondly, factor in how wind chill temperatures will influence your damp gear. While riding, the chilly effect of wind kicks in at 30 miles-per-hour. At this point, the wind that whips past your body makes the air feel colder than it actually is. Thus, the wind, when combined with wet gear and cold temperatures, can exponentially increase the likelihood of hypothermia. When in doubt--change!

4. Choose the right gear.